Tag Archives | interview advise

Are you making these mistakes during interviews?

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“Tell Me About Yourself” What Do They REALLY Want To Know

You are sitting in your dream company, across from your potential new employer all decked out. You have your freshly printed resume in their hands, they look through it briefly and say: “So….tell me about yourself”

And your brain goes like wildfire. You have done so much. You have so much to say but where do you start?

What they are really asking in the politest of ways is “who are you and why are you here?”

So your answer needs to be along the lines of “what have you done that will help their team and company succeed?”.

They don’t care about anything personal. This is your time to show how you fit in the company. They need to learn you know how to give long answers in a short period of time.

So you must:

Be precise.

Be consistent.


Don’t ramble

Don’t worry about what they want to hear. Worry about the message you want to get across.

Think of it as you elevator pitch with more substance to get you to that higher level.

Remember every good story has a beginning, middle and an end a summary as this question gets you talking but don’t talk too much.

Here is how it’s broken down:

I am a ….

“I have done…with numbers and dollars and accomplishments and I’m looking for x, y, z which is what brings me to you today.

How does that work for you?”

Write down all your key points so it will help you not have to think once you are in your interview.

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